Today I am going to talk about 2A, and armed countries in general, as well as the Police. I am of the opinion that guns should be legal in this country, mainly because crackdowns on gun laws are disproportionately likely to take away my rights to bear arms over other groups, which puts me in more danger than if rights to bear arms were simply taken away from everyone (which might be impossible at this point, there’s really no good way of actually getting rid of guns in America without just expanding the black market afaik). That’s the tragic thing about guns.
People say “God created man, Sam Colt made them equal” as if it’s some sort of good thing that a dysgenic freak could choose with the click of a button to end the life of even the strongest of men. People also bring it up with women, using the existence of the gun to justify women partying late into the night, ending up in some strangers bed hungover anyways. Every step in gun technology improvement we have taken has created a culture more unpleasant in its ways. It is especially bad in a low-trust society, where there is no longer a common cultural understanding that your enemy is not going to kill you after he has knocked you down. How often do you hear some annoying pleb talking about “oh well I have a gun so it really doesn’t matter how much you lift because I could SHOOT you!”. Like, this isn’t even about civility. even animals understand that agonistic measures of fitness are not analogous to just killing your opponent in any way possible.
All that being said, obviously you should own a gun in this day and age if you can. I mean, first of all they’re just really nifty. You can hunt with them, and shoot random shit for your entertainment, and that sort of thing. Secondly, just because guns had a negative effect on society doesn’t mean they’re going away. And on top of that, all of the good weapons which existed before guns are now probably not allowed in public. If you want to defend yourself in a knife fight with a knife, there’s still a very high chance you get seriously or mortally wounded even if you come out on top. Swords have more stopping power against a knife, but most blades are illegal to carry in public, so those with indiscrete blades (like a sword) are the ones who get in trouble while those who carry knives will only get in trouble after they do something with it.
So what is to be done with guns? Well, again, in these circumstances I will always support 2A, because I don’t trust the people in our government to take away guns from people who actually shouldn’t be allowed to own guns. That being said, if I was in charge, who would I allow guns to? Well, first there has to be a mental fitness test. No one with an IQ under 85 should be much more restricted with respect to gun ownership. Felons shouldn’t be allowed to own guns for a while (this is already pretty standard, but some 2A absolutists are against it). Secondly, I demand physical standards! People who are very unathletic (clinically obese, can’t run a mile, can’t do a pull up) should not be allowed to own guns as they are clearly not concerned about their physical health and safety anyways. This is another big issue with the 2A obsession. People are like, “well I need an AR-15 if shit hits the fan”, and we’ll get to that later, but why would I want fat and criminal and stupid people to own guns during the apocalypse? That’s like a fat person or a woman posing over a majestic lion they sniped from 100m away, except 100x worse!
Certainly, you’re never going to defeat the government with your guns. Lolberts bring up shit like Ruby Ridge and Waco all the time and glorify it as if any of these things ever end in the favor of the person being besieged. They always end in disaster or at best someone getting arrested. Also, I’m not really sure how much difference the type of guns you have will make in any sort of scenario where the power of the US government comes into question. Makeshift bump stocks, extended mags, are not very difficult things for a revolutionary fighting force to create en masse. The quality of soldiers’ guns is the least of such a force’s concerns when the U.S. Military has heavy artillery and miniguns. Yes, maybe they wouldn’t carpet bomb their own cities, but they could use all of those things to stop any offensive capabilities of revolutionaries. It’s all rather silly stuff, I don’t think there’s going to be a “boog” any time soon. Like I’ve said, Americans have zero interest in real political dissent and are still more interested in bread and circuses. People say they want to secede, people say they want revolution and regime change, but it’s all LARP. Most of these people don’t even have any clear political motivations and just repeat the same small talk jargon about how politicians are corrupt and the system doesn’t represent the people, without proposing any well-considered solutions. Anyways, You’ll never outgun the government alone, which is why the second amendment is entirely centered around the idea of militias. Militias are incapable of existing freely not because of infractions on 2A, but because of infractions on the 0th Amendment, the right to privacy. The right to privacy is clearly the actual right which legitimizes every other constitutional right, but obviously a bit of a complex subject considering it isn’t explicitly mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.
Speaking of Waco, a lot of the 2A crowd funnel their frustration into anti-cop attitudes. In my opinion, the police (at least local departments) are not an element of society we should be fighting against. A lot of people on the right have a difficult time accepting that right-wing regime change usually doesn’t arise through grassroots revolution. Looking at history it usually arises either through counterrevolution, coup d'état from the top down, secession, or democratic election. You could say that all successful “grassroots” revolutions are at least somewhat astroturfed by some sort of power bloc, I don’t know if that’s the case but it is certainly the case a lot. The police aren’t very loyal on some issues but the police unions are probably the only power bloc in society which is right-wing. Are they thuggish? Yeah. But, so are all unions and especially government unions. Are there bad cops? Yeah. Cops are of low quality in America, but that’s sort of to be expected considering how shitty the job is here. In Europe you won’t have to worry about one of the homies popping a cap in your ass. The Police are the ones who actually enforce state power on a day-to-day level and because of this would have dibs on legitimizing any sort of rebellious movement in their respective countries.
I don’t believe most of the anti-cop hype though. Like, the “41%” statistic (not for the Alphabet Brigade, for the Cops) is probably dated and exaggerated. Other studies with larger sample sizes find a rate of physical abuse ranging from 5-20%, which isn’t particularly high. As far as “Police bias” with respect to race goes, that is a can of worms so large and so thoroughly debunked in plenty of other places online that I’m not even going to bother going into it. I mean, Police should be bias. Algorithms predicting crime are racist, and when forbidden from being racist just use proxies for race. Of course, it’s always blamed on biased information given to the robots. Hmm, does this mean RoboCop is racist?
Usually people on the right hate the Police for enforcing gun laws (they hate the ATF more, but sometimes the responsibility is laid on local PDs). Sometimes it’s just people annoyed at laws which exist entirely out of convenience or because without them stupid people would probably end up killing themselves and others. For example, a good driver driving drunk isn’t that much more dangerous than a sober bad driver, but a bad driver driving drunk is dangerous for everyone. And speeding on a sparsely driven road is not dangerous (which is why most cops will just let you off with a warning) but speeding is really dangerous on a dense road especially if everyone else is speeding, and especially if you’re a bad driver. I think it’s understandable why cops give people tickets if you’ve ever talked to them. You see a loooot of car crashes and they’re often not pretty to say the least. Really, this explains much of the bad attitude stereotypically attributed to cops. It’s why so many cops commit suicide. They have to see the worst in society. Criminals, constant domestic disputes, rude assholes, car crashes, dead bodies. They’re always the first ones on the scene when someone’s dying or is dead, so they also witness a lot of people dying and people who they can’t save.
Instead of reading this, I stared at the gif for the time it would take to read this, and absorbed the same knowledge through means other than linguistic.
RoboCop! Yay!