Are we heading towards a pro-Pedophile society? Was Epstein special, or just ordinary by pimp standards? Is the age of consent too low, or too high, or neither?
Yeah, I know you guys advised me against this, but this is a really important question that has to be tackled on the e-right.
I first got into the “age of consent debate” when I myself was below the age of consent, I was a high schooler. I think I was 15 or 16 when I got pilled on it. At that age, I felt very free to voice my honest opinion on it. Because what were people going to accuse me of, liking girls my own age? Even as a 17 or 18 year old, Romeo and Juliet laws protected my speech on the matter. Now that I’m a bit older, I realize that it is best not to bring the conversation up very much… It isn’t right that there are conversations you can’t have honest discussions about, but to bring this up a lot may signal a level of dedication to the subject which I don’t want people taking the wrong way. But as I’ve grown older, I’ve also realized that a lot of the stuff the Anprims and their ilk were saying on the debate were wrong and short-sighted. In fact, it’s ironic that many of these people were ardent race realists, because they often promote marriage patterns contrary to Europe’s exceptional marital environment which stresses monogamy and later, less gender-divergent marriage ages.
But, it’s an important question. Because right now, the anti-pedophile fervor is as strong as ever. The right seeks to make pedophiles their yang to the left-wing ying of “racists” or “Nazis”. The Epstein and Pizzagate stuff had a lot to do with this, as well as the idea that the LGBT crowd is associated with pedophilia. I do think that there are a lot of pedophiles among the LGBT community, but it isn’t the ones they think it is. It isn’t the flamers. It’s the people who the right is most sympathetic towards. The “I like femboys who don’t make it their whole personality” crowd. These guys clearly want boyish looking men. I mean, it’s in the name and all the aesthetics. They want a “boy”. Very pederastic. Except, as I said on iFunny, they are actually *worse* than the pederasts of antiquity, more similar to some of the decadent behaviors you saw in the orient where they crossdress boys as dancers and other darker things, and have sex with eunuchs. There’s clearly an element of sadism here, because they associate sexual joy with the domination of others. And note, I mean a generalized “others”. All virile men are a little bit sadistic towards women, but towards men the craving for victory and domination is not naturally sexual at all. Also, the pederasts of antiquity were not sodomizing boys, like I’ve said. Sodomy is an unhygienic behavior and one’s ego could never recover from getting assfucked especially during their developmental phase. This sort of reminds me of some story I heard where Iraqi soldiers mass raped their British captives, and modern Iraqis online were celebrating this as if that didn’t signal the depravity of their own race.
But the “flamers” we more often associate with homosexuality are not as pedophilic. I think “flamers”. More pedophilic than the general population? Probably, yes. They are perverts and often the victims of childhood molestation. They all like big beefy men because they are effeminate. Trannies probably have a decently high rate of pedophilic activity because they are all autists who spend a lot of time in communities where children also spend a lot of time. Trannies and Homosexuals are also just more generally maladjusted people in general which can contribute.
The problem is, the right thinks that this means pedophilia in general is going to become accepted like LGBT is. This, in my opinion, couldn’t be more wrong. Libtards don’t allow LGBT pedophilia, they deny its existence. And both Libtards and Conservatives are probably more stringent on age gaps in relationships, extending beyond just illegal ones, than they ever have been.
If you ever talk to young people, they all have pretty crazy standards for relationship age gaps. A lot of them think a 5-year difference is weird. This is especially strange to me because my parents and grandparents had larger gaps than that. This is unless the age gap is between a man and an older woman. Then they love it. Well, except some cases, but I’ll get to that. They think CallMeCarson is “problematic” because he “groomed” a 17 year old girl when he was 19! Yeah, CMC is kind of a reddit streamer, but this is insanity! I mean, he didn’t even do anything with her, he just “groomed” her… And she was 2 years younger than him… What? Conservatives have also become very critical of this stuff, and their “suburban mom” engine has also become very outraged over male high school students getting “statutory raped” by their attractive schoolteachers. This is not rape unless the schoolteacher is ugly and is using quid pro quo to coerce a student into having sex with them. High school boys can generally overpower their teachers, and men do not have the natural hesitancy towards sex that women have which results in a sense of traumatic regret. There is not much of a social stigma for this either, men are congratulated for this sort of thing. Not because sleeping around is a virtue among men, but because having sex with women is much more difficult for men than having sex with men is for women. That’s why a slutty woman is called “easy”, because she’s basically making it too easy for men to have sex with her. I’ve unironically had women call me a pedophile because I, someone who was a high-school aged boy only a few years ago, am trusting my intuition over their intuition. Like… I’m the victim in this scenario according to you, how does that make ME a pedo!?
Another factor leading to the “pedophile mania” is the whole Epstein business. And, the thing is, is Epstein *really* that exceptional? If you’ve ever watched Epstein documentaries, you might get the sense that his crimes have been a bit… Exaggerated? He wasn’t having goons drive around in vans kidnapping 10 year olds on the street. He was paying high school girls tens of thousands of dollars to have sex with him and his chums. That girl he had make sex with Prince Andrew, she was bragging about it to her friends over text. Yes, this is objectively wrong, but my point is, is it that different from your dime-a-dozen pimp? No. Do you really think pimps, who are criminals, give a shit if their prostitutes are above or below age? No. Most sex trafficking is just a fancy term for pimps pimping. Usually these pimps are not the “elite”, they’re lower class gangsters and career criminals catering to other low class people. The Pizzagate stuff actually raises *more* suspicion than the Epstein stuff to me. Some of those texts were very weird, and that Tony Podesta stuff with the paintings in his house was also super weird.
Take a glance at historical age of consent (or marriageable age) laws and you might see a disconnect between *actual* traditional society and the traditional society envisioned by conservatives. Now, it’s important to clarify that minimum age is not the same as average age. This is where the other extreme, the “hebephiles” who think women should be married off at menarche, also get it wrong. The average age of marriage and sex was often much higher than the minimum legal age. As it turns out, impregnating a woman who is still physically developing is much more dangerous, especially in societies without modern medicine where pregnancy was much more dangerous for the child and the mother. For instance, the minimum age of marriage in Ancient Rome was 12 for girls and 14 for boys, but a majority of women got married older than 15. Nonetheless, around 43% of them got married at or below 15. In ancient Greece, if I remember correctly, men often didn’t marry until their late 20s while women married during their middle to late teens. Among the Jews, women were thought mature enough to marry at 13 or 14. Christians adopted the Roman standards, with the Catholic and Orthodox churches initially considering minimum marriageable age as 12 for girls, and 14 for boys. This was increased in 1917 to 14 for girls, and 16 for boys. An important thing to note here, though, is that parental permission was required for such things. This is doctrinally true for the latter examples, but it is also pretty much true by default under Roman law due to the powers of the Paterfamilias. The Romans and Catholics weren’t necessarily saying that boys and girls of these ages were fit to “consent”, moreso that they were of an age where their parents could judge cases like these about marriage rather than the state. We know that Germanic peoples tended to marry later, with both parties being in their early 20s. The Germans were always a chaste people. I recall reading that Northern European couples during the Early Modern period married during their late teens and early 20s, which is quite mundane. Many people have suggested that this was actually crucial for the success of the west, contributing to the Western European Marriage Pattern. I am inclined to agree.
Our modern standards for the age of consent really only arose during the 19th and 20th centuries, and ages of consent are still relatively low in Europe compared to the Anglosphere. People sometimes say this makes high ages of consent intrinsically bad, which is ridiculous. In modern society, men don’t pass their daughters off to their husbands for marriage. Because of this, there is nobody to regulate these relationships, so it is actually quite rational for the state to just ban these relationships altogether before the age where someone is financially independent, and subsequently no longer a fief of their father.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with the higher ages of consent in the United States. I think the “hebephilic” crowd is wrong, it doesn’t lead to significantly lower birth rates. We don’t live in Ancient Rome where you have to produce a lot of babies because a lot of them will die (and you or your husband are more likely to randomly croak). Getting married at 20 gives a couple plenty of time to have the amount of kids they need to have for the population to be above replacement. People aren’t having kids because they aren’t getting married, or are getting married very late. The average age of FIRST marriage in the US is 29 — 28 for women and 30 for men. This is bad. Female fertility and egg quality begins to decline in a woman’s early 30s. This not only means less kids, but the kids that are produced will be slightly more mutationally loaded.
Male mutational load is also a problem though. In fact, sperm has far more de novo mutations than eggs even at baseline, simply because of how selection works. Men are sort of the engine of natural selection due to their larger variability. So you don’t want to have old men dating young women. Joseph Bronski estimates that a man at 40 having a child will lose around 3 IQ points if he had his child at 42 compared to if he had his child at 21. Which doesn’t seem so bad, until you consider it on a massive scale. That leads to a cut in the “smart fraction”, and this doesn’t at all mention the problem of other qualities more likely as paternal age increases like Autism and poor immune system. Clearly a bit of an age gap is not bad due to men’s fertility lasting so much longer than women’s, but when men who are 25 can date teenage women it is devastating for those girls’ peers. They miss out on young love, because they can’t compete with the 25 year olds. Although the age of consent was sort of a feminist project, it ultimately did wonders for men because it allows for teenage boys to actually have romantic relationships with teenage girls. I missed out on this, and I am very sad that I missed out on it. There’s no getting it back. Do not listen to people who say you can experience young love by dating young girls, that is stupid. It has everything to do with the freshness of life that you personally still have witness to at a young age.
But, this age of consent does not represent the boundary between pedophilia and non-pedophilia. First of all, people who say they can differentiate women above 18 from women below 18 all the time are obviously lying. Plenty of women I know in college could pass as high-schoolers. Studies have proven this. Men rate women more attractively if they are stated to be older in age, despite the pictures being of women who are adolescent. Secondly, most men are attracted more to women in their mid-teens than they are any other demographic of women, when they aren’t told the age of the woman. If you were on iFunny during the Wlad days, you’re probably familiar with this statistic, but I don’t want to be put on some sort of watchlist for looking it up, so… You’re just gonna have to take my word for this one, or give me evidence to the contrary. This is not that surprising considering women are generally selected for neotenous features. However, the fact that men actually become less attracted to girls on a neurological/endocrinal level once learning that they are underage disproves what various femcels say about men all being evil pedophiles. It’s like incest. You might find your sister objectively attractive, but you just can’t bring yourself to be attracted to her because she’s your sister and there is something wrong with that. It’s a gut feeling, like how cats are afraid of cucumbers because they look like snakes. Even if you just found out she was your sister, you would be disgusted, it isn’t just Westermarck Effect.
My point here isn’t that you should be going after teenage girls, it’s that someone going after teenage girls is not indicative of pathological pedophilia, it’s indicative of antisocial behavior. It’s scummy and a way to manipulate naive young girls, and you should be thrown in jail for it, but it’s psychologically very distinct from someone who molests prepubescent kids. Women finish puberty earlier than men, and most are more or less physically developed by the age of 15. Why this is important? Because for most of human history, it was socially acceptable if not normal for men to marry women of this age. I just don’t want the “pedophilia” issue to be turned into yet another way for the media to encourage people that our ancestors were all terrible people.
The “mental fitness” argument for the age of consent being 18 is also pretty flimsy, but I think it is actually worth accepting because it leads to certain other positive conclusions which I will bring up next paragraph. IQ tops out around 16 and there’s not really any good evidence that more abstract things like resistance to peer pressure or thrill seeking plateau somewhere past this point. The prefrontal cortex stuff similarly doesn’t plateau, it’s just that after a certain point our brain starts to age and change with age. It doesn’t really matter that much because “mental age” is extremely variable among not only individuals, but groups.
Recall that IQ originally began as a measure of mental age for children. But most IQ tests are naturally adjusted for age, because often times they are meant to be employed on children. If you don’t adjust them, you can compare adult scores and child scores.
As you can see, Black men’s average intelligence is similar to the average intelligence of a White 12 year old. Now obviously, other factors come into play with “mental maturity”, but because IQ is a pretty good predictor for all sorts of decision-making skills, I don’t see why it is unreasonable to argue under the AoC rationale that racemixing is fundamentally immoral. I mean, it’s already immoral for other reasons, but now it’s unethical.
I know, I’m sounding like a “super senior”.. “you’re very mature for your age” etc etc… But when I was a 15 year old I certainly felt like I had better decision making skills then a lot of the retarded adults I interacted with. And I was probably right. This extends to other stuff like driving cars. Driving a car is not that hard. I’m sure a 14 year old of above average intelligence (especially visuospatial), or even just one who is good at games, can pass a driver’s test with adequate training and be a better driver than a lot of adults on the road. I notice in a lot of these clips where they hunt down guys texting underaged boys/girls, the person is obviously some sort of autistic retard. I wouldn’t bet on them being mentally more mature than the average teenager, they actually seem more on the level of children. Here is a clip I always laugh at — you can clearly see this guy is some sort of autistic retard.
Buuut, the age of consent being arbitrary doesn’t mean it’s bad. It sort of has to be arbitrary since this is all on a gradient. I think it being 16-18 is understandable given A) that we as a society sort of just let our kids marry without serious parental approval, and B) people in high school lack a lot of agency in our society. They pretty much rely on their parents for everything. So the age of consent functions as a proxy for institutionalized parental input in young marriages in a society without it. Some people will also suggest that people in the past matured earlier than people in the present, usually Muslims. This is wrong. Age at menarche actually decreases with higher living conditions, which is possibly why elite women were married off earlier in Roman society while poorer women were married off later. The hormones we eat today might also contribute to women maturing faster and men maturing slower, but slow maturation in men has a bunch of causes and isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
But, given how the boundary is arbitrary, I don’t know how I feel about this becoming the moral axis around which society revolves. Because again, that results in people being encouraged to hate their own ancestors because their ancestors agreed upon an earlier date. Also, people don’t even follow this boundary, as shown by people getting mad when an 18 year old girl dates a 25 year old guy. I think there should probably be a gradient of punishment. Doing something which would be legal in much of the first world, or even in another state, should not be of the same legal status as raping an 8 year old girl, which is obviously monstrous. Both should be punished, but to different degrees. There are a lot of people who accidentally have sex with underage girls who lie about their age. What happens to them? Most people I’ve talked to feel bad for guys who have this happen to them, but it’s difficult to prove that they didn’t know her age and some will use this justification for evil. They’ll just say they didn’t know when they did.
Overall, it is probably for the best not to try and debate the age of consent, because people will use it to slander you and say you are just arguing about it for selfish and deviant reasons. But, I also would not encourage anyone to get all into trying to call the left “pedophiles”. Muslims on the other hand… Well, a lot of Muslims legitimately try and defend Muhammad having sex with Aisha at age 9. A lot also try and say that Aisha was older, but I’m not talking about those Muslims. It’s really baffling stuff but not at all surprising when you consider how uncontroversial Aisha’s age was in the Islamic world until recently. Middle Easterners and Indians just seem to be really perverted people honestly. They are always having sex with their sisters, men, animals, and children, it’s crazy. Be careful if you ever go over there, they might try to sodomize you for not having a beard.
You cannot imagine how strange it was for me to get a notification just titled “Pedophilia”
She was just 17 years, 364 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes old YOU EFFIN' CHUD...
Now, if she was a 28 year old used-up & run-through hag, things would be different...