
Oh yeah, this wasn't even the substack I was talking about on iFunny. I was writing another substack and got derailed and had to write about this topic before I finish that one.

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Jul 7Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Hispanic's aren't turning red, but thinking about Hispanics is turning me red and causing smoke to billow out of my ears

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A couple weeks ago at the store I overheard a black woman tell her son to put away an Independence Day themed item he wanted because "the 4th of July is a White people holiday." I haven’t really had hope in racial coexistence since I was a naïve grade-schooler but hearing that has cemented in my mind that our culture simply cannot be preserved in any meaningful way unless enough of us are unapologetically and exclusively White. I can’t ever be convinced otherwise after hearing that.

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Jul 5Liked by Sectionalism Archive

it does make me wonder who would have been more ruthless and ethno centric if it came to colonizing the americas- Han or the Japanese?

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Jul 5Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Probably the Han, they literally viewed themselves as the center of the world and committed several genocides against other Asian peoples throughout history.

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Jul 5Liked by Sectionalism Archive

It’s sad to see even people like Jeremy Carl espouse Eric Kaufmann’s “White Shift” as a major influence for his new book, The Unprotected Class. This is becoming the End Game for a lot of supposedly “pro-white” people: The definitional widening of what is and what can be a White Person. Somehow, assuming these people aren’t just subversives (I think they are), they’ve convinced themselves that Whites becoming a mongrel race is the only path to the survival for the Whites and our Civilization. Ridiculous. It’s also pathetic begging for us to be treated “fairly”. An increasingly nonwhite, mixed-race America is not going to let Whites off easily. People lamenting that South Africa is America’s future are essentially correct, and I expect that as the demographic transition fully takes place, and whites become a clear minority (especially after Boomers begin dying off), that an “end to white rule” will be the next step. I honestly don’t know what White Elites are expecting to happen, do they think they can weather the storm? They surprise me the most, how traitorous they are, possibly the worst in history. And their motives are even more bizarre unlike Jews who are acting in their own interests, hating Whitey, allying with minorities, etc.

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Yep, their folly comes in the obvious wrongness of the idea of "whiteshift" in general. BIPOC people are not identifying as white, and even if they are it is an extremely loose and sort of self-loathing feeling of "looking white".

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I remember I once came across one of Jared Taylor’s books “White identity” and it was pretty good but the man himself seems to downplay the fact he’s a white supremacist by claiming asians as a better people (i mean he was born n raised in japan) and most importantly he shills for der juden .

Jewjin daisuki !!!

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I liked this. It's funny to see you mention iFunny so much because I can't imagine this being on there.

Do you ever think about doing a deeper dive into the right wing sphere? I like your perspective and would wonder what your thoughts are on various topics, ranging from political groups like the Irish National Party, to religious groups like the Asatru Folk Assembly, to more meme'd groups like Patriot Front or GDL, Goyim defense a la "Handsome Truth".

Hell, it would be interesting to see you cover Return to the Land Initiative by Aarvoll or even the Natural Law Institute.

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Jul 5Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Most of us iFunniers find the non-iFunny RW sphere rather distasteful. Sectionalism and I have had a number of discussions on how bizarre most of the Substack "RW" crowd is.

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What are your thoughts on the Acolyte mister Polk? I was watching some funny takedowns of it and noticed a lot of the new Star Wars showrunners basically believe the same thing you and I were talking about, they believe in poppycock like Grey Jedi and that bringing balance to the force means some sort of middle ground of light and dark side, even though this is obviously not compatible with what we actually see in the series. Also, I think the Jedi should have launched Jihad on these witches... I remember in Legends there were some times in the Old Republic when the Jedi basically went full Jihad mode, correct?

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Jul 5Liked by Sectionalism Archive

I haven't watched it yet (mostly due to no internet until recently) but from what I've heard this seems to be the case.

I feel like much of this is the post-Game of Thornes "morally gray everything" which seeped into most fictional media a few years ago. This is probably why Star Wars went from "being evil literally makes you ugly and deformed" to wholesome balance of Light and Dark. This also explains why more people are starting to characterize the Jedi as some sort of religious imperialist group that kidnaps children (probably also a political shot at Catholics or Christian Europe in general).

And yeah the Jedi sort went on so.e jihad type things but it was only ever against explicitly Dark Side groups (especially the Sith obviously) and sometimes the Mandalorians (although Mandos basically always start fights).

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Mandalorians are reddit chungus in my opinion, I never really liked them. Even as a kid I thought there was something offputting about "we are this warrior culture and loves to fight but we don't care what species you are holmes" yeah it was just always sort of cringy to me.

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Jul 6·edited Aug 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Yes we always used to make fun of the Mando fanboys. There is this one video of some Star Wars convention with a line of Mando cosplayers and they are all morbidly obese and one of then was even in a motorized wheelchair. We would always send that video any time someone was saying how fwiggin epic they were.

Also it's just really funny that they are a "warrior culture" yet they lost almost every war they were ever in.

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I think that's probably why I enjoy the perspective so much. It sheds new light onto the situation. I am from a totally different section of the Internet - ConsumeProduct and Gab. As with all things, it's filled with egotistical twats.

I moved away from the Internet to boots on the ground type of work. Substack was a way for me to post poetry and book reports for a club I was in. But man this place is filled with nutters. I forget how bad the normies side of the right wing is sometimes. Especially the "intelligent" section like here.

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Yeah, I've written about some of this in my most recent article and I plan on expanding on it in a future one (which is mostly complete as of right now) but there are some rather striking differences.

Most of the people here a Millennials who came from afluent liberal background and this colors their conservative grift (I have found few authentic RW conservative types on Substack, and basically none of them were popular) which is in stark contrast with the average Gen Z iFunnier who came from an [upper] middle class conservative/moderate household.

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Jul 6Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Even if you examine it from a biological standpoint, many third world migrants have formed a highly parasitic relationship to their European hosts, to the detriment of the nation, their quality of life, their fertility, their wealth, etc.

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Jul 5Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Wasn’t planning on it

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I think that if there is going to be a lot of noise about white identity, then there must be a consensus on what exactly white people are asking for. Blacks and Jews have always had specific goals with their highly successful ethno-centric movements. What are the goals of a White identity movement?

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The only mixture that is really needed is Anglo and Slav, much like my own family who have roots going back to before the Revolution and more recent Polish immigrants. Anglos are smart and open-minded and is really good at building an advanced civilization while the Slavs are much more realistic and loyal and stubborn, thanks to a long history of terrible invasions that requires flexibility and clannish mindset for centuries. Not all Slavs. Many in family are stupid but the best are very nationalistic because we know we got a good deal going and we don’t want to mess it up. The Anglos are too trusting and idealistic while the Slavs are skeptical and realistic.

Regarding today’s conflict. All Magna Europe are in a global French and Indian War, much like one the Americans fought before the Revolution. The Colonials didn’t have the numbers or supply so what they did was play the Indian tribes off each other. It’s a tactical mistake to lump all blacks, asians, Latinos into monolithic blocs. It’s playing into the Globalists’ hand.

Instead, we want to stress their national identity and show greater favor to some and disdain the ones they hate. Breaking their unity is the first step.

At the same time, we wanted to stress the anti-white oppression because that was how the various European ethnic and sectarian groups were able to transcend their differences, as showed in Peter Silver’s Our Savage Neighbors. Before the Indian wars, every European was disdainful of other ethnic and sect. Even the Quakers became more Quaker to define themselves against the Germans and Irish. But the Indians can only see the pale skin if a man wasn’t already known to them. But even in the Jamestown Massacre of 1622, they still slaughtered their own allies. So, to survive, everyone started calling themselves whites and opened their homes and charities to each other.

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You probably already know this, or maybe not. But in an attempt to save the community going forward, a lot of people have regrouped on X. Mookie, Zaoist, etc... Are trying to move their followers to X and carve out a space there. X isn't a censored dystopia anymore, and in fact has a lot of people similar to us. However our communities have been together much longer than the current groups on X. So there's built on loyalty established to and for Ifunny users.

Mookie's Tweet: https://x.com/MookieIF/status/1811737165719650360

You were a pillar of the establishment in the IF community, Im not saying you should leave substack, but I am saying you should coordinate people to know where other members of the community are residing post ban. I think your content here is important, but I also know you wont get banned on X if you post there. Your ideas are thought out enough where you could grow quite the following(if you want that sort of thing).

Since nobody else seems to be trying to do it other than PETRIXX, but I believe his ideas are short sited and not realistic. I am trying to glue together the fractured community. It would be important organize somewhere, Scores Community isn't sustainable, and substack is kinda limited in itself. X is the only thing thats well established and wont ban you unless you threaten someone.

Thanks for your time,

@leginized on X

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I have an X account, I just use it to lurk on there and save important pasta, I’m a reply guy. I might eventually try and reunite with the iFunny guys there and then if I get a sizeable following I may actually post stuff, but it’s very embarassing to use Twitter. The sharty boys make fun of it and I don’t want them thinking I am a Twitter migrant when I only started using Twitter a year after I started using Soyjak Party and SoyBooru

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This 100 per cent except 100 per cent more

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This gives me hope, too

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So I guess I’m just gonna have to learn to spit on that thang. No fucking thank you. White decline is real, and real ugly.

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deletedJul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by Sectionalism Archive
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The Irish when they first came really very heavily rejected their Irish heritage and wanted to assimilate. It was their grandchildren who decided to take up pride in their "irishness"

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Perhaps true for some, but not for others. Especially not so for Scots. Nova Scotia wouldn't have such a large enclave and dialect if Gaels were all wishy washy.

People like me wouldn't exist if we were all forgetful dopes. My American forefathers lived in Scottish enclaves when they came here, and we only left in my father's era. He is the first one to marry a woman who doesn't have a Gaelic last name. Granted, I only have one close Irish American friend, but his story is the exact same. We both remember the old men of our family telling tales of the forefathers.

Idk, I think a lot of people on the right wing got tired of hearing liberals use Gaels as a battering ram against England and now it colors their perceptions of the entire folk. I know most RW guys don't hate Gaels, but it seems like people would rather forget about us. Gaels have had a marked impact on the world, from innovations to inventions, to military leaders or political shakers, to industrialists and ranchers. It's probably going to be Gaels who start killing the mongrel immigrants first, like we all should do.

My father and his fathers instilled into me a pride and sense of belonging. It is not to a culture or an island that I belong to - but an ancestral body.

We should embrace our ancestral body with open arms.

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deletedJul 5
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Irish is an aesthetically superior language to English albeit

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deletedJul 6
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Jul 7Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Poor Tolkien - loved Celtic stuff but didn't want to admit it influenced him heavily. He has some choice words about the Celts. And the Germans. Dude was a spitfire of a fool when it came to politics, but Gott do I love his works.

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I love Tolkien and his work, but he was a curmudgeon.

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Jul 6Liked by Sectionalism Archive

I'm going to tell every Irish American that Gaelic blood is best blood, to counteract your attempts to convert us to Anglo-Saxony!!

Ah, but seriously, the fact of that matter is Gaelic blood is unfathomably based, and I am blessed to have it running through my veins. My forefathers never rescinded their status as Gaels - neither will I!

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Yep, I used to be ashamed of my Irishness because I saw the Irish as bad agents, but nowadays I’m very proud of by Irish and Scottish heritage. They are some of the best people around and they were even as late as the 1700s still perceiving themselves as one race to some extent

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It's the plastic paddy oirish stuff that's bad and anti-civilisation, not gaelhood itself.

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deletedJul 6·edited Jul 7
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Jul 7Liked by Sectionalism Archive

An interesting perspective, but one I don't think could've worked in the past. Today, where the Gaels have a massive diaspora and where the Anglos are reduced to serving an empire rather than ruling one... Well, I think it could work in these circumstances.

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I have a similar frame of mind. My ancestry is German/Swedish/French/Irish but I feel little connection to them. My culture is entirely Anglo from my denomination to the curriculum we're homeschooling our kids with. A uniquely American Anglo identity with some regional variation seems like the most natural alternative to globohomo especially since almost all millennials are mutts of some sort.

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