Jun 23Liked by Sectionalism Archive

I had to put my comically small phone down after I read “enough skull-measuring” I was devastated. Only after a good 30 seconds of sobbing and watching marvel clips on yt was I able to regain my courage to continue reading.

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Jun 24Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Funny coincidence, my tennis coach is Indian. Today we had a short conversation about the drug problem and drugs on American campuses, and out of nowhere he mentioned how it was black people that were bringing and selling drugs. It caught me off guard because I’ve never talked politics with him and there’s no way he could know my beliefs, he just decided to tell some random person in California about how he didn’t like blacks. Amusing!

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Jun 23Liked by Sectionalism Archive

“Hello Saar, Indian-Americans earn the most Saar, we are CEO’s Saar”

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Jun 24Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Indians when you ask them who was the leader of russia from 1500 to 1917

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Jun 24Liked by Sectionalism Archive


-Vladimir Lennin

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Jun 24Liked by Sectionalism Archive

It's good seeing people (you) intelligently talk about ancient population groups, that sort of context will dispel false notions like those held by liberals and Indians.

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I find it funny how Indians are like an ant colony, workers are smaller and weaker and warriors and the like are bigger... you cant make this up folks!

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There is an oddly large supply of videos depicting Indians just cranking their hog in public

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They have no shame because they basically are taught to view the world as a lucid dream. Meanwhile in the west we know our lives are actually like a video game...

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I'm pretty sure that no native Indian regime has ever, in all of recorded history, expanded significantly beyond the subcontinent. It thus seems pretty unlikely that they would have done so a few thousand years ago. Also that achievement seems to pretty unique among civilized humans. Even the Chinese expanded West and South when the opportunity arose.

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We’re Mauryans not native?

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I think you might be forgetting the little matter of...THE ABOS?!

Come on man read Dark Emu and LEARN

EDIT: fuq me how could I forget...THE GYPSIES. You're really gonna have to do better my man.

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Oh I see what yu sayin

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I said civilized!

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Dark Emu: Black Seeds: Agriculture or Accident? is a 2014 *****non-fiction book***** by Bruce Pascoe. It re-examines colonial accounts of Aboriginal people in Australia, and cites evidence of pre-colonial agriculture, engineering and building construction by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. A second edition, published under the title Dark Emu: Aboriginal Australia and the Birth of Agriculture was published in mid-2018, and a version of the book for younger readers, entitled Young Dark Emu: A Truer History, was published in 2019.

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- The New York Times

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Getting my popcorn ready for dis one

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It makes sense that upper caste hindus hated muslims considering the ones who invaded india were literal slave soldiers

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When you really think about it, Hindus are superior to south shitalians. When south shitalians began moving to the United States, they were hated by pretty much everyone. Whites, blacks, jews, hell even asians. They were stereotyped as short, brown, smelly, diseased-ridden criminals that should be barred from entering the united states. The only people that considered them white was the pozzed us government that considers nafris and uzbekis as white. The largest lynching in US history was not against blacks or asians, but south shitalians. People even called them “guinneas”, essentially calling them shitskins and mocking the government for considering these subhumans white. In Italy, south shitalians are so despised by northerners that there is an entire separatist movement with the soul purpose of getting as far away from those subhumans as possible. Practically every Italian worth of note, and every Italian olympian came from the North or Central part of the country. Asian immigrants in the past 40 years have made more contributions to the US economy that south shitalians have in the past ~140 years. Compare this to hindus, who have contributed to the US economy more than any shitalian shitskin in the past hundred years. Indians dont really have such a negative portrayal in hollywood, most hatred from them comes from online sources rather than real life. Indians are even seen as smart and intelligent, unlike south shitalians. Most tech industries are led by hindus. The fastest growing group of millionaires in America is hindus. There have been more Indian inventors than south shitalian inventors. India doesn’t have a clear-cut “north/south divide” despite the genetic distance, in fact the south of india is more prosperous than the north. India has a booming economy and population, white shitalians cant breed and have pretty much no economy. Overall, hindus have been more a net gain for any country they migrate too, compared to south shitalians. Hell, indians even have more Aryan admixture than south shitalians, if you want to go from the “whiteness” angle.

So basically we shouldn’t be asking “are italians white?”, rather we should be asking “are italians human?” (they are not).

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>We indians are white saar--AAAAAH BUNDI BOOLAB BLAAB BAA!!! *splat*


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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

I just saw this copypasta on soyjak party

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Jun 27Liked by Sectionalism Archive

kys /int/nigger 4cuck shitskin

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South Italians literally enslave pajeet mingrants

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deletedJul 3Liked by Sectionalism Archive
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Correct, in fact most Brahmins have less of this already admixed Aryan ancestry than South Itals have Steppe ancestry at large. But Ror and Jatts are a strange exception

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deletedJul 3Liked by Sectionalism Archive
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Yep, I’ve heard that in India all of the big CEO types are actually Vaishyas/Baniyas very contrary to America, while the Brahmins go into academia or religion

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deletedJun 23
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Leftist race politics have been in India for a long time now. Now they’re experiencing a right wing resurgence but Hindutva guys don’t get super big into the caste debate cuz they want votes

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