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I think the Jewish involvement with Marxism is beyond mere material concerns. I don't know that I'm confident enough to say all of them were just ardent Judeo-Bolsheviks rather than "true believers" or whatever, but the colossal flop of Marxism among poor Southerners in the United States disproves, at least to me, that Marxism is inherently more popular among poor people simply because they lack material wealth.

I think of anything support for Marxism is bred from resentment of people perceived as having a higher position in the social hierarchy. You could argue chicken or the egg here (poor people are jealous of rich people because they want more money, and so they begin to resent hierarchy) but I think it is instead more directly related to Jooish culture which, as you noted, breeds weak and dysgenic people who are just inherently anti-autocratic/hierarchy.

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