Aug 1Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Rarely, I experience something happening in real life that I previously foresaw play out in a dream. Down to the exact person and what they’re saying & doing, as well as the location. I’m not making this up and I don’t know why it happens… Crazy ahh deja vu. Makes me feel like Psycho Mantis (life is like bideo game)

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Aug 1Liked by Sectionalism Archive

This happens to me sometimes to, and the phenomenon actually has a name, Déjà Rêve. For me it’s always something mundane like making a sandwich or having a conversation with someone. I also don’t remember the dream until I experience Déjà Rêve. Very strange stuff.

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Oh it’s got a name, nice. This stuff is definitely magic; you’re dreaming about things in the future which then actually happen, defying the concept of time. I mean how the heck can you explain that logically

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How this isn’t being researched by every scientist alive is beyond me. Honestly if we looked further into this phenomenon we could likely achieve time travel, at least to some degree.

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Aug 1Liked by Sectionalism Archive

I just wanted to let you know that I misread Siddhi as skibbidi for a second

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I am absolutely convinced that my thoughts and moods can affect my body's functions, random chance events, and other people's thoughts/opinions. Not strongly and definitely not all the time, however. Maybe I need to make for fires and burn stuff!

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Aug 1Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Isaac Newton was very heavily into religious stuff, he wrote more on religion than he did on maths and physics , but because he was a unitarian he had to hide a lot of his work

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He was possibly a Rosicrucian as well

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Aug 20Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Whenever I play the audio and she says “by sectionalism archive” it sounds like bisexualism archive lol

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Aug 18Liked by Sectionalism Archive

For a deep look at the pagan magi that survived in the medieval folk magic, see Claude Lecouteux’s Witches, Werewolves, and Fairies. His conclusion was that man was not a monad-type personality as thought after the Enlightenment. Rather, every man have three souls. One is a bone-soul bound to the flesh. Another is a Double (or fetch as the English pagans called it) which is “married” to a man and act as a adviser and medium to the Gods and can be projected (giving rise to flying witches who can pass walls or a man turning into a beast). The more Doubles a man have, the stronger he become. It’s possible that Odin’s ravens and wolves were his Doubles. Zeus’ Eagle might be one too. Then there is the World Soul that connects all things to each other and back to the animating spirit who made the world happened. Heraclitus called it Fire. I think it’s Hestia and she would be the one Zeus honor above all else, the First and Last.

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you should do a post on ancient understanding of modern science, like how Svalinn in Norse mythology seems to be a poetic description of what's now known as the magnetosphere. I would do it myself but don't feel nearly qualified

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You’re more qualified than me, because I had no awareness of this.

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The knowledge that your thoughts can influence reality (both outer and inner) has been a torturous one. I feel like there constantly is this force trying to pull me down, Mara being a bitch or something. When hoes get intrusive thoughts they dye their hair, my intrusive thoughts want me to self-destruct in a much more horrifying and fundamental way than suicide! I often stop what I'm doing and "meditate" a bit to achieve and maintain a more pure thought state and fix the evil I created with my thoughts.

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I am somewhat convinced all of our thoughts are not ours. Some are impressions from nearby people or loved ones. Others are thoughts bubbling from the past or future self. And then the intrusive ones I think are not of our making at all. I think those come from a discernible source.

Ever since I realized my thoughts were a battleground, its been a constant struggle at reminding myself of this. I will go a few days without thinking about it, and then realize I've been dealing with intrusive thoughts all those days. Then I get back into being mindful of that crap. I like to imagine striking down intrusive thoughts with a sword or cudgel. Works every time. Sometimes blinding light can help.

I swear something tries to make us forget about this stuff in our day to day lives, so we don't focus on it. It feels that way at least.

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Very true. Thoughts are energies, in unwary minds they can be influenced just like they can influence ofc. That thing about the sword remined me how I read abot "striking Mara with the sword of righteousness" somehwere on suttacentral.net. I'm sceptical towards many of Buddhism's goals but it's great at mastering this sort of stuff.

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So this French scientist, Jean-Emile Charon, thinks that electrons are at the root of this issue. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/825600.The_Spirit I have read this book, but it goes over my head to be honest.

This whole topic has fascinated me for years, and I've experienced many things which relate to "magic". I think we can understand this phenomenon, eventually.

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Magic is almost certainly a sort of poetic reprogramming of the conscious and subconscious mind. On a certain level of the nervous system, all stimulus is perceived literally. Also interestingly, repetitive states of precognition and hyper religiosity are symptoms of frontal lobe epilepsy. BAP did a good episode on South American assault sorcery. . .

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Idk. The CIA only concluded mixed results and the Global Consciousness Project has since been debunked seemingly pretty thoroughly (Global Consciousness Project: An Independent Analysis of The 11 September 2001 Events. May et al.)

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That analysis only studies one event of the GCP, it is not a thorough debunking of the entire project.

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Certainly if GCP analysis of random data gives consistent false positives throughout the entire week surrounding 9/11 then their analysis of random data is all around faulty no?

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deletedAug 1·edited Aug 1
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I have accidentally created similar experiences. I didn't believe any of it until it happened to me. I also have not sought out furthering this "skillset" because the experiences were all unsettling and unexpected. I thought I was going crazy, but looking back I realize it was more like I was suddenly thrust into a perception of the world that I just wasn't ready for.

I think some of this stuff is dangerous. I have family members who also experience similar things, and some of them are truly crazy people. I know this stuff has merit to it, but until we know more, I am hesitant to delve into it.

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deletedAug 6
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Aug 6Liked by Sectionalism Archive

There are lots of minor things, but I think the dreams I've experienced of the future and the things that followed are most interesting. Long post incoming!

1. When I was nine, I dreamed of a house and an unfinished basement. The dream was long and included demonic entities, and I was terrified. When I turned ten, I moved into that house and when I walked into the unfinished basement I freaked out. Something about that house started most of my experiences I think.

2. When I was 16, I dreamed of a beautiful red haired girl and her brother. I would later meet this girl and her brother at 20, and had a short relationship with her. She would remain on my mind for some time thereafter.

3. This is the biggest event to date, I think. When I was 24, I found that I kept dreaming of this girl. So right before bed one night I kind of... idk man, reached out to my spirit or something and requested a dream that would tell me why she was showing up in my dreams all the time. I had a dream that I am certain is a past life dream. I won't go into the details of the dream, as its personal, but these are the interesting bits. I was born with shock blonde hair that faded to brown, except for a single patch on the side of my head (which faded after the dream, its gone! Im full nigger now! lol) and this is important because in my dream, my past self (or a genetic memory of some ancestor?) I shot myself right in that spot. I later watched the Sixth Sense after telling this to a friend, and this motif is in that movie. I didn't know that. Another bit about the dream that makes me certain it is real would be the presence of two close friends of mine: one who was shot in the chest in WW1, and in this life was born without a chest muscle there; and another who sold grandfather clocks and in this life has a deep obsession with grandfather clocks.

4. This happened directly after the possible reincarnation dream. I woke up with sleep paralysis (which I experienced a lot as a kid) and was kind of freaking out. I tried to get up but couldnt, so I like... idk man! lol I gathered all my willpower into my head and chest and tried to jump from my bed, and I did! But when I landed on the cold floor of my bedroom and looked down at my body I freaked out. I was standing naked (I sleep naked) in my cold bedroom with a pale almost luminescent see through body. It was strange. Like looking at a muted physical light. I looked at my body sleeping in my bed under the covers and wigged out. I immediately almost on instinct leapt back into my body and woke up.

As I said, there are other things, but these things ring strongest in my mind.

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deletedAug 6Liked by Sectionalism Archive
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Aug 6Liked by Sectionalism Archive

I am personally of the opinion that as we develop as a race, these phenomenons will be discerned and we will better utilize them. As of right now, I am content with knowing that there is more to reality. Perhaps in time I will gain more interest. It just unnerves me. When I was out of my body, I felt very afraid for my body.

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