I remember when I was a kid I whispered the word "crap" to my friends because cursing felt like it had some otherworldly power. Nowadays kids will curse out their teachers with no consequence. Or maybe that's just black kids.

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Sadly it's kids of all races

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I remember having to go to the dean's office when I said 'shut your ass' to a fellow student, Christopher, after he insulted my relatively impoverished collection of Pokémon cards - it was a Friday, if memory serves.


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Picked the habit of swearing a lot in middle school and I have been trying to stop it recently, it really just portraits you as a immature person

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Mom said don’t swear that’s all that really matters

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Fantastic post, I saw that same tweet and it's just so cringy. Completely removes the gravitas of the moment. Same with the point about Netflix shows, they swear like every other word as if they're trying to prove how hip and cool they are; it's obnoxious. Personally, I don't swear (a religious, not aeshetic, conviction), and it's crazy just how bad it's gotten with people around me. Like, it just sounds so trashy, especially when women are vulgar. This whole thing reminds me of Layne's post about how gen z can't be serious, it's really quite a shame. There seems to be a through line between that post and this one.

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The major point I've noticed in these ultra-woke shows is that the swearing is unrealistic. I don't mind excessive swearing when it fits the character, but these liberal writers are so chronically online they don't know how to write realistic dialogue. It sounds like corny junior high play-acting. Very grating on the ears and impossible to watch.

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I remember arguing with a leftist who just said the f word like 14 times in one paragraph and now I can't bring myself to say it

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There is no bigger turn off/cringe thing in women for me than listening to one overuse curse words, particularly “fuck”. Something about it makes them seem so gross to me instantly.

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This reminds me a lot of this article - https://lukesmith.xyz/articles/obscenities-are-symptoms-of-weak-minds/ - from a couple years back. Glad to see that this position has started to gain traction over this year especially, I actually wouldn't be surprised if memes like "fucking fuck" and SINCOA end up becoming kinda mainstream, but if it did I would guarantee that everyone would miss the point of it. Algorithm sluts probably just look at every meme that mocks them and assume it was made by a fellow algorithm slut in good banter rather than by an outsider with actual convictions against them. I could keep going on about how much I hate normalfriends/twitterites/plebs, but it's easier to just call them poopnoses! Please don't tell Mrs. Carter after recess I said that though...

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i had apiffany of this when i was very young.. 5th grade i believe.. i had conversation with buddy, pretty much entirely compromised of swaer words, ever sinse then swearing has been associated with childish mindset ever since.. this only gets worse as i get older

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funniest thing iver experince was scremaing tge n work in the hallways LOUD. 6th grade. yup

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Sect: Maybe Society shouldn't like... curse so much?

The N Word: Am I a joke to you?

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Yes, that's why everyone says it so much

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Call me Kanye West's On Sight the way the ending BEAR



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Omg bear haiiii

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Curses also are associated to me with losing control (ie we are about to fall off this mountain) or facing something impossible (ie my boss is walking all over me and I can’t do anything about it). It’s not attractive in part because it implies the person is weak. It’s also the classic small soul trying to seem big a la the beard trend in soyboys who had zero muscle mass.

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I pick up on something similar but not exactly as wide spread. People are far too comfortable sharing gross stuff. If I go more than five seconds on Instagram reels I will see some gay person’s post about douching or a troon talk about dilating, in meme form, in tutorial form or with the intention of simply vlogging. They talk about it like it isn’t flushing poop out of your anus so your boyfriend can hit it. This goes for “well adjusted” people too, men and women share nasty sex stories or desires with impunity. Both men and women talk way too much about their respective neglected bodily functions that, frankly, I don’t want to hear about! Do not tell me about your cheese! Do not tell me about your period!

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