Jun 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Do minecraft, I'm a big big fan of pre-microsoft minecraft. Troons don't realize this, but minecraft is a game about colonizing a foreign world. You start with nothing being chased by monsters & build up your fortress by exploring the overworld & hell, mastering a once dangerous place. Later updates added niggers you have to kill with a reptilian overlord. Microsoft would hire fag developers after notch, who would make the game very pozzed and "cottagecore" after 1.13. Nucraft is also very fast-paced & woke, which is why we went from long lets-play series about tekkit & minions to comparatively short "100 days in hardcore" videos with some gimmick thrown in & having a video-essay format. You can see this with Mogswamp's Flatworld series, which starts as unedited lets plays with his female high school friend & suddenly becomes overly edited mr beast slop about villagers or something. Many such cases, sad!

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Honestly the only things I really like about post 1.12 MC is the new nether and new caves, which are pretty kewl imo. Other than that, most stuff added is just boring. The modern day cottageslop is also aggravating. Every single house or base nowadays is a cozy 100 chungus wholesome xitter moment that all look the same. Nasty. You also can’t expand upon these cottages like you could a base in older Minecraft, which is why I think people abandon their worlds after 5 days of playing on it. Even mods nowadays are boring. The only modern mods I really enjoy are Alex’s Mobs, Alex’s Caves, and Create (Yeah, I know troons like Create, for whatever reason, but it honestly is a fantastic mod, incentivizing the building of massive, ever expanding factories). But yeah, that’s it. Most mods now are basic shit that adds like 3 blocks and a “hekin wholesome chonker” mob if you’re lucky. What happened to mods like the Aether or Twilight Forest? What happened to modpacks like Tekkit? Truly, Minecraft has entered its Kali Yuga…

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I think 1.13 should be the cutoff, it was the last version before the new textures and the last version on the xbox 360. Not to mention fish are awesome, I love fishkeeping. I own 2 aquariums, both saltwater. This update finally added fish mobs which were absent from minecraft for too long. Also 1.16 is overrated, the nether biomes don't match the Hell theme and they took down the brap-hog name. Also new netherrack sucks

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1.13 was a good update, I agree. I do love the fish mobs. But honestly the new nether is an improvement imo. More stuff to explore in what felt like a pretty barren biome. As for the new biomes, most of them are pretty good and do match the hellish aesthetic. Soulsand valleys especially, being completely barren and having rib cage fossils and shit. I do agree with you on the new netherack texture being doodoo. It looks too soft. I think they were going for a “human flesh” sort of theme but it just doesnt work imo.

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It just looks like red cobblestone, while the old one was bleeding & chaotic. Also I'm mainly referring to the random blue forests which aren't nearly as hellish as the rest of the nether. Also also that was the first version with leif raine music. ACK alert!

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I thought troony laine’s music got added in 1.15? Dios mio…

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IDK i stopped playing modern frequently after 1.14

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I also miss pre-Adventure update Minecraft. It used to be a sandbox game with no ending: it was up to you to come up with more cool things to build, and more areas to civilize. But then jeb_ and others started shoehorning in RPG elements, and now it has this weird MMORPG type of feeling. I've even heard younger zoomers complain about how the game is "short" and that there's nothing else to do once you beat the Wither. It's a sandbox game, that's your unimaginative nigger-brained problem!

Beta Minecraft was kino: it had a certain ambiance, surviving was harder (enemies were stronger, no enchantments, and food didn't stack), and the much smaller palette of blocks forced you to get creative. Limitations foster creativity. You also didn't have a hunger bar, so you weren't constantly eating food just to survive, and no sprint meant that the game had a more relaxed pace.

Pre-1.13 Minecraft is still pretty good, but pre-Beta 1.8 was very kino.

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pre 1.14* leave update aquatic alone1

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I think the reason people separate 1.12 from 1.13 is because 1: it was the first big update under microsoft and 2: a lot of mods got left behind in 1.12 (aether mod, mo creatures, etc) and the main reason a lot of people play minecraft during that era is mostly because of mods, so 1.12 became a “standard” of sorts for modding

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1.9 was the first big update under microsoft thoughbeit, real chuds remember 1.8 and 1.7 being the last versions of old minecraft

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I thought 1.9 was like, half mojang half microsoft. Also i mean big updates under microsoft completely, 1.10-1.12 didnt add all that much

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IDK, I don't think there was much change in management between 1.9 and 1.14 so I assume it was just a change in update direction but feel free to correct me. 1.9 was the first update with the retarded combat/balance changes too

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I do agree 1.13 was kino doebeit

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Jun 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Also yeah I do not understand how people can be on Snapchat or even Instagram for hours on end. I can only scroll iFunny in bursts, but at least then I get to see funny memes or textposts. I cannot imagine scrolling Insta for hours just to look at how fat my HS classmates are now, seeing what people are eating for lunch, and any number of other "winebarred" activities.

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IG reels and explore page does make me laugh my ass off sometimes but apparently I’m in the exception for using Instagram for that

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Jul 1Liked by Sectionalism Archive

At least with iFunny there’s an esoteric community/ round table thing going on where people legitimately share new ideas and memes. It feels genuine. On insta/ snap etc, it’s just a competition to one-up someone else or sell a product.

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Jun 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

The way you mentioned how women talk and think about games has made me realize the smug media literacy stuff going around recently probably originated with a woman, or at least derives from feminine thinking. Along with the “all art is political crowd. They are all technically right, art as a means of communication has a message no matter what and media promotes unrealistic body standards but men can either, distinguish between reality and media and just enjoy fiction/a narrative or literally don’t notice because men don’t go into recreational activities with a neurotic analytical mind.

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I have an old ‘stack on here criticizing political art. It’s a pretty good read

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Jun 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

When a regular townsperson NPC dies in Skyrim I will always reload a save (even if it costs me hours of progress) to revive them. It makes me feel like Talos after achieving CHIM and manipulating reality to get rid of Cyrodil's forests for the convenience of his troops.

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This is such a necessary move in that game, the towns are already so barren that having even one townsperson die just hollows that town out.

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Jun 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Was listening to the substack audiobook tts thing and its very weird hearing a w*man read out the women and aesthetics tangent

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Jun 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Glad I’m not the only one who hates new games, theres nothing permanent about them at all. Games like Halo (originals), Pikmin, and Dark Souls were so fun and impactful that they are burnt into my brain, I can literally “play” them in my head whenever I feel like it.

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Been wanting to play dark souls but I’ve heard it’s very difficult. I’ve watched my roommate play it, he’s very good at it. I love the music and aesthetics of the game and the lore is good too.

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Dark Souls is up next to Halo for being my personal favorite vidya gayms. There is a slight learning curve and SOME bosses are hard but for all Souls-like games it’s honestly just a matter of familiarization and attack pattern memorization.

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You should play through all 4 souls games. They all interconnect in some way with 3 being the catalyst of all the time fuckery. 3 Is my personal favorite for the apocalypse vibes and late Gothic aesthetic.

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Play demon souls first. It’s the earliest prototypical souls game by fromsoft. Plays similarly and basically has everything darksouls has. Just executed slightly worse and made slightly easier. I suggest you play it first because when you get to dark souls the difficulty jump won’t be as bad and you’ll enjoy the QOL improvements and better story even more.

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Jun 28Liked by Sectionalism Archive

I hate more and more that standards are not being set on any form of entertainment. From social media to television to video games, every awful new addition to the catalogue is lauded and heaped with praise despite obvious flaws. I can’t think of many games or movies (I don’t watch shows) that have come out in the last 4 years that I haven’t had major issues with, and I could kind of extend that to 6 years! Ridiculous! And I’m the one that’s wrong? I’ve just defaulted to hating everything new which feels very depressing, but to ignore the disgusting changes being made to a medium I enjoy is unforgivable!

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I feel basically the same way

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Jun 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Great article, but the paragraph about how society has attacked young men since the 1960s is especially good. I would be greatly interested in a Substack article about that, please write one if you haven't already.

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Yeah, maybe in the future I'll write more on that but it is sort of something that is true for the entirety of human history. Young men create society but they also destroy it, and old people only want creation without destruction because they are vulnerable and don't produce anything. So the old village elders and the community matriarchs will always hate on young men and constrict them as much as possible, which leads to young men leaving and going to explore the earth like in the ancient Koryos

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Jul 8Liked by Sectionalism Archive

Interesting to think about the role team oriented sports plays in shaping a young man's mind. Most of us were forced to play in a team largely because there were no other options. An early dose of collectivist subversion?

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I play almost exclusively competitive pvp shooters nowadays. The fun I get from videogames is primarily through competition rather than anything else. Single player games with good stories end up annoying me, because I just want to get the gameplay over with so I can get to the next part of the story.

Very tasteful boob break!

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when i was 13 i played nier automata and was gooning to dat shit simultaneously whenever i saw the commander (still one of the greatest games ive ever played , heil nippon)

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Have you ever played dragon’s dogma? It’s a very flawed game, but it is still fun and has some cool ideas.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

No but with breasts like that maybe I should. Out of a tasteful appreciation, of course…

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I do quite love vidya. I still play 2009 mw2 as my primary online game, it’s still quite fun:). Very pure and straightforward gameplay coupled with an unfiltered chat and NO report system. That’s what I loved about the og multiplayers in CoD and Halo 2 and 3, the Wild West mentality of anything goes. Truly a trolls paradise!!!

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You should do a piece on either Halo or CoD, Halo for all the good it did up until Reach and CoD for how fucking evil Activision is and all the bad the series caused to gaming in the long run.

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Never played Halo, only played 2 CoD games and really only their campaigns

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Jun 26Liked by Sectionalism Archive

I was jus playin the cod4 campaign yesterday… but srsly play the halo campaigns especially odst and reach they’re my favs and it’s especially good with an online friend

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skrub newfag award

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Y r u always hating man

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Actually I was defending cod

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Go jelq to ur Niki Minaj skin …

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I know im just messin with you lol, hating is a LIFESTYLE!!!!! MOM WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND I DAY IN MY LIFE!!!!!!

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I loooove being an offensive hater

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Gorgeous post, Sect. Very eloquent and enlightened. Keep 'em coming.

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Deus Ex

Paradox Games

Both rather right wing coded, with the latter having a grip on alot of our autists.

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