On the topic of college educated whites leaning left, my personal experience studying anthropology is that you quite literally can not express non left leaning views in any paper as a means to explain phenomena. This is in part a result that Marx was highly influential on early anthropology and it has since the 1930s been a left coded field in the United States. One example that stood out to me was the discussion on "The bell curve" and how it was not accepted by anthropologist on the basis of its racist implications. But they didn't discuss its validity in regards to actual data, it was simply disregarded as it did not further their preconceived world view. This is of course a highly destructive attitude to have in a field of science.

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I also took some anthropology classes in college and it is baked into the theory you learn in courses. I found myself often wanting to explode with conjecture against the blatant lies told by these teachers, the lack of rigor in their fields, their reliance on "qualitative analysis" flying in the face of the scientific method, and their materialist assumptions. It isn't all social scientists, some of them make good use of sociometrics. But a lot of them are actual voodoo shamans LARPing as scientists. You imagine that the beliefs of anthropologists from 100 years ago are outdated because new discoveries have rendered them obsolete, like every other field. But then you find out that the quality of the field has actually gotten more subjective and more unscientific

I also found myself slightly shocked at just how many Jews there were in these fields post~1930. Probably a clean majority of eminent anthropologists in the late 20th century were Jews

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Its a shame as some branches of anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and biological have much stronger basis in the scientific method than cultural anthropology, but it remains the central branch of the discipline (if it should even be considered a single discipline). Franz Boas has forever altered how culture is studied in the United States and his students pretty much are the foundation for the anthropological academic linages in this country and he was an ultra materialist. hell the 60s saw some move in a more scientific direction, though that also had its own faults but by the 90s it was mainstream in the field to reject science as an objective worldview as was viewed as overly western.

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Is it possible that the explanation is as simple as people subconsciously not wanting a woman president

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It’s not subconscious for me

I absolutely don’t want a woman president

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The main takeaway from this election is the beginnings of a hard divorce between the tech/finance elite and the Democrats (and the bureaucrat/old money interests they represent). This nascent right wing globalism movement will be interesting to watch.

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We do need to focus on these left-wing voter factories (elite colleges). Fed gov needs to restrict funding. Alumnae need to restrict funding. Corporations need to restrict funding - and to restrict recruiting, explicitly citing concerns about political intolerance and orthodoxy. Institutional investors need to pressure corporations to restrict recruiting per previous. If these measures are infeasible, perhaps vast trenches filled with lye.

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We need to radicalize gen alpha

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Pertinent observations

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shallow and pedantic.

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Prefer Sectionalism because my autism is reluctant to change. Substack also a built in voting poll option you can use to measure your audience' preference

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Great article, I’m going to shill some solutions to the college problem. Inez Stepman has done a great job addressing how colleges operate, I recommend her interview with Auron MacIntyre. I did a pragmatic guide for what I think the Trump presidency can and should accomplish to ensure the right’s temporary survival where I expand on her points. The short of it is to take endowments from the college industry who defacto stole the money from tax payers, pay off student debt to win favor and balance the budget, then create a free government run online university staffed by high IQ right wingers. It’s under ending the left’s stranglehold, I cover other topics as well.


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"Republicans who may be very intelligent are also shying away from college due to low confidence in a college degree compared to democrats, which is a problem because college degrees are used as a litmus for competence in the jobs market."

If I was smarter and more verbose I would write a larger essay or whatever.

I was an extremely intelligent child, I still have a high capacity to learn even if im a retard pothead at 24.

I was completely nurtured before common core education hit. My intelligence was a gift I needed to use.

After common core hit I was placed back into curriculum I had already completed with literal retards.

FF to high school. We take a class called 21st century success, and another called Junior Seminar. Both were just college brainwashing.

This was a large reason I chose not to pursue college and instead went into the trades.

When you sit in a class with a retarded ginger who moans and rocks, and you're both being FORCED to apply to colleges, the same colleges, it kind of makes the whole thing seem like a scam.

I chose to be a working class guy. I apply my intelligence in masonry. Saved a lot of money and bought a house too.

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